Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bank Accounts Cell phones and farts!

God is truely amazing. When i first came to Wonju - South Korea, I was very unsure of my placement. I wanted to be in Seoul. I saw Seoul as a location where they held the best of the best teachers. This may be true to some extent, but a wrong assumption in so many ways. I learned that the schools in the outskirts of Korea get to select the teachers they want. So essentially they get to go shopping through all the new teachers.  And I was selected. I don't know why i was one of the few chosen - or the only one chosen to go to a small school. But I am slowly learning why God has put me here. 

 Today alone i have had 7 students accept my invitation for bible studies. All of my religion students and 3 from my english class. I am excited for the blessings that God has shared with me through this oppotunity! And there are still students who said they wanted to have bible study but were not in class tonight. I ask that you pray for them. And also pray for me as I try my best to lead them to meet our savior. I find myself thinking of Paul in alot of my blogs. How alot of his letters were telling the churches how he had learned the hard way and how if they dont' change certain ways then they will be lead astray.  

I am grateful to hear all that is going on back home - any news is truely good news! So posts are good! The work at the Ridgetop SDA church and the sanctuary sounds promising. I have to go and catch a phone call from a friend. God Bless and thanks for the prayers!

1 comment:

Rachel Roddy said...

Wow! thats huge! be praying for that for sure! ps...random title!!!